
Noise pollution should be an issue to check when choosing a block. Relatively low noise levels can affect how you enjoy your garden and allfresco areas. Bad noise can spoil your enjoyment inside as well. (We rented for a few months near…
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Subdivision Costs
Are you thinking about splitting an existing house block to get a 2nd house block for free?………..Well it might be cheap compared with an existing block in the same area, but it won’t be free! The costs can easily exceed…
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When you are buying a block one of the issues that controls what you can put on a block is the Setbacks of the main structure. Setbacks vary from council to council and can also vary between neighbourhoods in a…
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Building Envelope
If you need to fit a large House onto a small block one of the issues you will have to deal with is ‘The Building Envelope”. What this means is the actual area within your title boundaries that is legally…
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Types of New House Permits
Here is some information on the several sorts of permits that are involved before you start building a house. Planning Permit Sometimes called a Development Approval (DA) if you are buying a block on an existing subdivision you should already…
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Subdivision – Process
Found a big block and would like to split it into two? ……… or just looking to build another house on your block?……….You are going to need to subdivide the block. Here is an idea of the process for Victoria…
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What Sort of Plan?

Buying Land…….There are several sorts of Plans/ Surveys of your Block to think about before you can start building a house. Here is a guide to the various plans based on the same block: Title Plan Title Plans are the…
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Block Orientation
Sponsored by Coral Homes When looking at block orientation a key issue is using the sun to warm the house in winter and keeping the sun out of the rooms in the summer. Typical blocks in Australia are rectangular. About…
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