Glaring Fail

Here is a new town house development in Melbourne. Just a couple of ‘small’ problems Those huge master bedroom windows face west so they are going to get the summer sun all day from around 2.00pm until late in the…
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Submersible Pumps

As well as the more common pressure pumps you will frequently see submersible pumps at your local supplier . . . . . So what’s the difference? Characteristics of Submersible Pumps: Most domestic submersible pumps come with an attached…
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Is Grey Water Re-Use Worthwhile?

What is Grey Water? Grey Water includes all the waste water from the house with the exception of toilet waste. (Black Water) It can includes water from; Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Sink, Wash Basin, and Shower. A basic grey water reuse scheme…
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Window Shade Fail

I saw these north facing windows the other day. In spite of the architectural detailing this is a lesson on how to stuff up shading! Its less than an hour from Midday and already most of the window is out…
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Condensation, a minor inconvenience, or a major problem? A little condensation on windows is easily dealt with, . . . . . . but heavy condensation in poorly ventilated corners can lead to mould damaging your walls, ceilings, or even…
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Rainwater Collection Fail

How Not to collect rainwater! I suppose its cheap…….but it’s not the most convenient for filling your watering can from. You can also see that algae is growing in all those open containers. It’s not something most of us would…
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Why You Should Consider Sustainability

There is a lot of rubbish talked by big builders about sustainability costing you more! In my opinion considering sustainable design for your new home will save you money as well as the environment. Here are three reasons why: Size…
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Advice – Fail

When I saw this Billboard the other day I had turn round to drive past it again, as I didn’t believe it the first time! They are making it appear that it’s a big deal that they are selling what are…
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Insulation Basics – Ceiling Insulation

Without effective insulation more heat is lost through the roof than either the walls or floor. There are a range of options for insulating your new home roof with some insulation materials having different effects in summer and winter. Here…
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Rainwater – Pump Size

One of the reasons why most rainwater systems use too much power is because because the pump is too big. For other reasons see Rainwater – Pump Issues Most pump suppliers and design charts will specify a larger pump than…
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