Builder Relations
Contracts – Site Possession

Under the terms of a “Standard’ Building Contract you will be required to grant the builder ‘Exclusive Possession’ of the site once the builder is ready to start. This means that the builder is responsible for, and is able to…
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Costs for Variations Compared with Retail Price

One area of annoyance for home buyers is when they want to vary something and the variation price is much more than the difference between retail prices. For Example An example is the builders standard oven may be $700 at…
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Working With Your Site Supervisor
If you are building your new house with a big builder once the contract is signed the most important person in the build is going to be the Site Supervisor(SS). The site supervisor is responsible for programming the works, ordering…
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The Biggest Threat Our Construction Companies Are Facing

Guest post by Andre Smith Towards the end of last year a Chinese PhD student was in Australia to research ways construction companies could optimise the way they worked. In the process of doing so, he discovered the biggest risk…
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Builder’s Christmas Shutdown

Every Year I hear complaints of “Everything has stopped on my House Build for a month” What can make it worse is when the builder ‘Tries’ to claim an ‘Extension of Time’ for the Build. What Does The Contract Say?…
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Virtual Build?

I recently saw an advert for ‘MyPlace’ a ‘Virtual Build Information System’ by Burbank. What Is A Virtual Build Information System? MyPlace is a virtual construction site which provides a visual aid in the progress of your home’s construction. It…
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Builders Excuses
Lets face it, building isn’t always easy. Each house has its own problems and the builders have to deal with the weather. Things do go wrong . . . so the measure of a good builder is how they resolve…
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Using Your Own Building Inspector

I frequently hear of people being told by their Builder “You can’t use your own Building Inspector!” If your builder says that, he is trying to Con You! ……or Breaking The Law! Here is an explanation based on my last…
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Understanding Builders
“The Builder is ripping me off!” and ‘The Builder is overcharging for upgrades!” are two comments I hear regularly. Some of these cries may be justified, but a lot are because the customer doesn’t understand the Builder. Why A Builder…
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Using Your Own Tradies
When you look at some of the prices that builders charge for things it makes you wonder if you can get things cheaper by employing your own tradies during the build. Examples are things like: Refrigerated air conditioning. Extra lighting….
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