More Storage Space . . . . or Too Much Stuff?

Read the House Magazines or watch TV Programs and you will often notice quotes like: “You can never have too much storage space.” Well I think that’s BULLDUST! If you think you need more storage space; then think about getting rid of some STUFF. Get…
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Do You Need A Home Theatre?
I keep reading articles about issues with the affordability of Australian houses. . . . . but then find lot’s of you want a ‘Media Room’ in your new houses! So how much is a basic Home Theatre going to add to the cost of…
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Will a Big House Make You Happy?

Inspired by a post on Why do you, or your spouse, want a big house? What are you trying to buy? . . . . . . Well most people think they are buying happiness. Does you family really…
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Access to Rear

With the narrow blocks that are becoming more common you see a lot of new houses built right to the side boundary on both sides. In some cases that can’t be avoided, but I think there is a real advantage…
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Mind Your Head

I have mentioned several times about not getting a bigger house than you need . . . . . . . . But this could be going a bit too far! And how do you reach the controls? I certainly…
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Floor Space Ratio, or Plot Ratio
When you are buying a new house block it’s important you understand how much of the block you can build on! One way in which NSW councils prevent Over development is by prescribing a ‘Floor Space Ration’ (FSR). The same…
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World’s Biggest Houses

New Australian homes are now the worlds biggest. Here is a diagrammatic representation of the size compared with three other countries. and here are the average home sizes in square metres: Australia 214 USA 201 Greece 126 Germany 109 Spain…
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Children’s Bedrooms
Some people want children’s bedrooms to be big! I’m not so sure! Reasons for Big Bedrooms Room to play, study, have sleepovers and for all their stuff. Room for adult children. Better for resale value. (Big for me is 9…
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When you are buying a block one of the issues that controls what you can put on a block is the Setbacks of the main structure. Setbacks vary from council to council and can also vary between neighbourhoods in a…
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