Choosing a Builder

Have a look in the real estate section of the papers and you will see some builders are offering ‘Special Incentives’ for a limited period…………………… should you rush in to take them up? Well I don’t think it makes any…
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Standard Building Contract or ‘Owner Builder Contract’
Some small builders may suggest they can package build a house cheaper for you if you become an ‘Owner Builder’*. * Not be confused with True ‘Owner Building’ where you have the skills and propose doing a lot of the…
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Why The Lowest Price May Not Be A Good Idea

When looking for a builder or a tradesman we are often told to get at least three quotes. If you do this, and then just accept the lowest price you are taking a big risk! Sometimes your choice may be…
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House And Land Packages – Are They A Good Idea?

You often see house and land packages advertised and they may have an attractive price . . . . . but are they a good idea? Here are a few more things to think about: These sort of deals are…
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Using Friends for Building Work

Some people say “never lend a friend money”, or “sell them a car”. If things go wrong it can end a friendship! I think it might be the same with getting them to do building work for you. Reasons to…
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Show House Sales Tricks

The thing you need to remember when visiting a display house is it is not a real home, it’s more like a television set with tens of thousands of dollars of upgrades. The builders want to show off their houses…
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Big or Small Builder

At the end of the day what everybody wants is a quality house built at the right price. So does the size of the builder matter? Here is my experiences: Small Builder We had our first Australian house built by…
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Can You Afford the Display Home?

When you visit a Builders Display you will probably be given a price list which quotes the ‘Basic Price’ for the house you are looking at. Don’t be fooled!………the features you see in the Display Home will add much more…
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Why You Might Not Find A Builder Rating

Can’t find a quality rating for your builder? Perhaps you should check your contract before you sign it. Apparently some builders require customers to sign a contract that: ‘Prohibits them from publishing anything about the builder without the builders express…
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Why Display Homes Are An Attractive Option For Home Buyers

Guest post by Hubert Dwight Homeownership is something that many of us aspire towards, and something that offers us the opportunity to secure our future and the future of our family. The only problem is that homeownership is becoming more and more…
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