Ecological solutions that will help your family

Guest post by Nick Stoyanov It’s about time for people to start paying attention to their environment. Although it might sound like something that is hard to do, we can easily change our ways becoming a more ecologically conscious society. In…
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Why I Didn’t Want A Tesla Battery

I recently posted about my experiences of getting quotes for Solar Power (Obtaining Quotes) and one of the questions I have been asked is “Are you getting a Tesla Battery?” Here are my reasons why not Tesla Battery The total…
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Review of Solar Cost / Benefits

In our new house we hadn’t got solar so I thought I would review the financial advantages of installing a system. I found a useful calculator on Solar Quotes a great site with lots of useful information. Working through the Solar…
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Should You Get A Micro Inverter Solar system

I’m just in the process of getting a solar power system for my latest house. One of the changes since I last bought a system is that micro inverters are now more common than they used to be…….so I thought I…
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Air Conditioners – Why The Star Rating Is More Important Than Price

I’m currently in the market for a Split System Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner. I went round a couple of the big box electrical stores last weekend and saw several models in the 3.5kw range, with prices ranging from $650 to…
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‘Green’ Beer Fridge

When you move into a new home most people like to get a new fridge. Either the old fridge doesn’t fit, or just doesn’t look as smart as the rest of the kitchen. So what happens to the old fridge? If…
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Keeping Solar Panels Clean

I saw this solar panel with the sharp jagged plate on the top edge to stop bird perching the other week. So I thought it was a good reminder that solar panels aren’t just fit and forget. . . ….
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Save Energy By Upgrading To An Eco-Friendly Property.

Guest post by Hubert Dwight Many people are quick to complain about how high their energy bills are, but they fail to take any real action to minimise the expenses. Inside the home, lighting, electrical appliances, hot water, heating and cooling dominate…
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Protecting the Planet with Sustainable Kit Homes

Guest post by Andre Smith In the past, home construction relied heavily on safety and aesthetics without giving much thought to where the supplies were coming from. However, that trend is changing as people look for ways to be eco-friendlier in…
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Off The Grid In Little River

Is living off the grid realistic? To find out I recently visited an open day of this “Off The Grid’ House in Little River, Victoria. All the electricity for this large 38 square 4 bedroom house are generated from solar panels on…
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