Taking a Mortgage Repayment Holiday
Taking a Mortgage Repayment Holiday Have you hit trouble keeping up with your new home mortgage payments? Even the most careful planners can face financial trouble when something unexpected occurs. The good news is that you may be able to qualify…
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Minamalist – Fail

Do you like this? According to the Architectural Press it’s a great example of Minimalist Architecture. Now according to Google Minimalism is “Characterized by the use of simple, massive forms”. Well this building is massive but would have been anything but…
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Avoiding Splitting Responsibility
I often come across people who want to exclude certain items of the work from a house building contract to save money. They may want to do the work themselves, use their own tradie (relative or friend) or use a different…
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Access to Rear

With the narrow blocks that are becoming more common you see a lot of new houses built right to the side boundary on both sides. In some cases that can’t be avoided, but I think there is a real advantage…
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Green Wall Fail

One of the big current architectural trends at the moment is ‘Green Walls’. Didn’t work too well at this location! It looks like they grew a creeper up the wall but didn’t think about how the creeper would stay fixed…
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Fixings on Plasterboard Walls

When you move into a new house there are lots of things that need to be fixed to walls. For things like small pictures you can use picture hooks . . . . but what about heaviers things like; mirrors,…
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On-Site Stormwater Detention – Storage

Background Many urban developments, and subdivisions, require stormwater flows from your block to be limited to a maximum flow rate. (See: ‘Onsite Stormwater Dention‘ for the reason why) Although councils will require the calculations to be done by a qualified hydraulic engineer here is some…
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Tasty Door

Well this door takes the biscuit! And you can actually eat it. It was set up by the British company Tate and Lyle as part of a promotion in which they built an edible ‘Hotel’. Thanks to the British web…
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Breaking the 500 Post ‘Barrier’

Welcome to this, the 501st Post on the anewhouse Web Site. The blog has certainly come a long way over the past 3 and a half years. The site is currently getting around 8,500 visits a month with over 20,000 pages viewed each…
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Cost Plus Contracts – Avoid

What Is A Cost Plus Contract Basically it is a contract where you agree to pay all the builders ‘Direct Costs’ plus a ‘Fee for Administration and Profit’. Rather than a quotation the builder provides an estimate with the actual cost…
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