Settling in
Tall Front Boundary Fences – A Good Idea?

As I walk many km’s along suburban streets every day I am surprised by how many tall front boundary fences I see. So are they a good idea?…………………… Well here are my thoughts: Security Well a 1.8m fence could keep…
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Microclimate, And Why It’s Important To Your New House

A microclimate is a local atmospheric zone where the climate differs from the surrounding area. The term can refer to areas as small as a few square feet (for example a garden bed) or as large as many square miles….
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While The House Is Built

If you are getting a house built you can feel lost with not much to do between the contracts being signed and being ready to move. Here are some suggestions for you to be doing during the wait. Inspect Progress…
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Don’t Hide a Key . . . Get a Key Safe

Have you ever forgotten your keys? I have! . . . Sometimes its been as soon as I have closed the door. Other times its when I have got home from a long day at work. How do You Get…
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Before You Move In

Once you get the keys for your new house you will probably want to move in straight away. Here are a few reasons why it’s best to stage your move: Time to get window fittings such as blinds and curtains…
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Easy to grow vegetables for beginners

Guest Post from Tristan There’s no better feeling than growing your own vegetables. It’s not only fun and healthy, its super rewarding. When thinking of starting your own little veggie garden, sometimes getting it started can be the hardest part….
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Soil Heave – Protecting the Slab After Construction

Once the house is completed it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be concerned about the foundations. This is particularly the case if your house is Built on Clay as there is a risk of ‘Slab Heave’. This is the result of moisture…
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Your letter box

I know that a lot of communications come via Email and Facebook now but I still like to receive mail. A nice card means a lot more to me than a Happy Birthday tweet. If you are like me and…
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Being A Good Neighbour – Noise

Somethings that can spoil you life in a new home is falling out with the neighbours! One way to reduce the chance of arguments is to make sure you show consideration to your new neighbours with regard to Noise. What is…
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Garage – Planning a Workshop

I was walking home the other day and saw this amazingly equipped workshop which made me feel quite jealous! We can’t all have separate workshops so here are some thoughts about planning a workshop in your new house garage. Solid…
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