Light ‘Colour’
When you are buying a light bulb you may have noticed the box says things like “Warm White” or “Daylight White” but what does it mean? . . . . . . and which should you buy? Colour Temperature Light…
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Builder’s Christmas Shutdown

Every Year I hear complaints of “Everything has stopped on my House Build for a month” What can make it worse is when the builder ‘Tries’ to claim an ‘Extension of Time’ for the Build. What Does The Contract Say?…
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Big Window – Fail

I have previously talked about Good Orientation and Window Size in this Blog. It’s not as though this sort of information is secret knowledge. . . . . I would have thought all architects would be aware of the importance of these sort of…
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News – 1,000 Book sales for 2014

I was planning to have some time off blogging over the Christmas period. . . . but with a Pre-Christmas rush I actually passed the 1,000 anewhouse E-book sales for 2014 on Christmas Eve! That brings total sales to over…
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Christmas Wishes To All Visitors

Here is a house that doesn’t need air conditioning! Wishing all New House enthusiasts a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year The photo is from the Third Annual Snow Sculpture contest in Breckenridge, Colorado, which attracts contestants from…
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Aerial View – Fail

What do you think about the ‘house’ in this picture? Nothing exceptional? Well if you see the aerial view on Google Maps you might think differently! If you don’t believe me check out 368 W 2nd St, Dixon, Illinois (it’s actually a ‘House of…
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Tiger Tails

Buy a block near overhead electrical cables and you may need ‘Tiger Tails’ during the build. These are plastic tubes that fit over the cables and provide mechanical protection and visual warning on power lines and conductors. Getting ‘Tiger Tails’ installed isn’t…
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Chinese Lucky, and Unlucky, Numbers

I see from the papers that a significant number of properties are bought by Chinese Investors. Also I have noticed many visits to my web site are referred from Australian based Chinese language website So for all my fellow Gweilos’ (Ghost…
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Arrogant House

Here is one of the most photographed houses in Victoria, ‘The Pole House’ at Fairhaven, near Lorne. Lots of people love it. I hate it for the Arrogance! A lovely stretch of natural coastline and someone puts up this concrete pimple to…
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Would you worry if you saw this guy (from Jim’s Jihad?) mowing the lawn next door? Unlikely. . . but it does illustrate the fact that neighbours can have a big effect on your enjoyment, or otherwise, of your house. In…
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