Are Waterfall Islands A Good Idea?

Looking around Display Homes I see a lot of island benches with waterfall ends. Although I would agree that they can look very great there are some downsides that it is worth thinking about. Less Flexibility Most of us use an island…
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New Zealand Face House

I was travelling in New Zealand in September and couldn’t resist this photo. It is in Jervois Street, Kawhia. I was really struck by how much it looks like a face looking down the main street of town. A bit…
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Aerial Location

I don’t know if this post should be titled Aerial Location, or Roof Colour, but it illustrates some points worth remembering. Birds like to perch . . . . and when they fly away they like to lighten their load….
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Half Price Guide!

Still over 80 pages of advice and checklists to help you buy right block for your new house. . . . . but now only $2. Many buyers tell me my ANEWHOUSE GUIDES are worth much more to them than the…
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Boat? House Boat? or House?

I was driving through Little River In Victoria a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t resist stopping to take this photo. From my personal knowledge this boat has been in the back yard for at least the last nine years. ….
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Reducing Noise Through Windows
General Principles The main factors in window noise reduction in order of importance are: 1. Glass Thickness Thicker glass will give a better result. (Laminated glass is slightly better than solid glass of similar thickness as the laminated layer provides additional ‘Damping’) 2….
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Foundation Failure?

No . . . it’s Art! This mid-19th century house was empty for 11 years before being compulsorily purchased by Thanet District Council, in Kent and is now an art work.. The idea was from Alex Chinneck and is called ‘From the knees of…
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Off The Grid In Little River

Is living off the grid realistic? To find out I recently visited an open day of this “Off The Grid’ House in Little River, Victoria. All the electricity for this large 38 square 4 bedroom house are generated from solar panels on…
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A couple of weeks ago I was in New Zealand where people refer to their holiday ‘shack’ as a Bach. Some of the Bachs I saw were anything but shacks. The Bach in this photo is the weirdest that I heard…
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Don’t Just Wait For PCI

I have sold almost 2,000 copies of my PCI Guide and as a result get a fair bit of feedback. One thing that I have noticed is that a number or people only buy the Guide a day or two before…
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