Choosing A Block

There are lots of things to consider when choosing a block. My basic preference would be an East facing block on a court. This gives the best orientation of the house and minimises passing traffic. Here are some of the…
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How Close Is Too Close

Here is a photo from the ABC Brisbane facebook page I would say this is far to close. That space is just going to be a collecting point for spiders and vermin. I really don’t see the point of wanting…
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Base Plan has 6 Star Energy Rating

But What Does it Mean? If you think it means is that your house will have a 6 Star Energy Rating you could be wrong! You could be up for thousands of dollars of upgrades to meet the required standards….
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Prescribed Easements

Easements are generally shown on title drawings; For example the sewer easements E-1 and E-2 shown at the rear of these blocks. These easements are created when the land is subdivided. However if you are buying an old block of…
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Electrical Easement – Fail

It looks like someone forget to check their Title Plan when buying the block. The result an electrical substation in front of their front window. To avoid problems like this Check Your Title Plan I found this photo on the…
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Which Way Is North?

Don’t rely on a compass! Or a mobile phone either! There are different Norths True North Grid North Magnetic North The difference can be more than 10 degrees which can affect your view and the solar performance of your house…
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What Are Site Works?

The site works is all the work required to prepare the site and allow them to build that standard house. The following are frequently encountered additional costs: Levelling the ‘Construction Pad’ The standard project house is designed for a perfectly flat…
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Some a site plan will say the levels relate to AHD and other times the levels will relate to a TBM . .. but what is the difference? AHD – Australian Height Datum Between 1966 and 1968 sea level was measured at…
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Half Price Guide!

Still over 80 pages of advice and checklists to help you buy right block for your new house. . . . . but now only $2. Many buyers tell me my ANEWHOUSE GUIDES are worth much more to them than the…
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Overflowing Drains

Its not unusual to see local flooding around a house, or on streets, during exceptionally heavy rainfall. If you are unlucky you might even see a manhole ‘Pop It’s Top!’ like this one! This is because the council drains don’t have the…
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