Noise Insulation – Plasterboard Options

There are a few plasterboard options when looking to improve the noise insulation. These options in increasing order of cost are: Differing Thickness On Each Face By using different and thicker plasterboards on each wall face, say 13mm and 16mm,…
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Understanding Builders
“The Builder is ripping me off!” and ‘The Builder is overcharging for upgrades!” are two comments I hear regularly. Some of these cries may be justified, but a lot are because the customer doesn’t understand the Builder. Why A Builder…
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Front Path Fail

Looks a bit like a Rustic Type Path . . . . So why do I think this is a Fail? Well even though I was careful, and wearing safety work boots, I nearly rolled my ankle! Just imagine a…
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Ducted Heating

Most builder’s standard heating system to homes where mains gas is available is Ducted Gas Central Heating. This has the following advantages: Low running costs. Relatively cheap to install. Feels warm fairly quickly. Leaves the walls free for furniture, if…
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World’s Biggest Houses

New Australian homes are now the worlds biggest. Here is a diagrammatic representation of the size compared with three other countries. and here are the average home sizes in square metres: Australia 214 USA 201 Greece 126 Germany 109 Spain…
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Garden Photo – Fail

One of the rules of getting your house Ready for Sale is to remove your pets, and hide their baskets food bowls etc. If you don’t you might find your house advertised on the internet with a photo of your…
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Steel Wall Frames
With a steel frame house a standard wall panel, other than using a different material, is much the same as a Basic Timber Wall Panel. Once it comes to a panel with openings there are a few differences as the…
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Upstairs Windows

Have you got visions of being able to look out of your upstairs bedroom windows like this lady. Not anymore if you are building a new house. New laws to protect children falling out of windows have come into…
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Truck Driving Fail

If you are going to do your own removals……. Plan your route carefully, and get plenty of insurance! You don’t want to end up like this! This bridge in South Melbourne seems to claim at least one truck a month….
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Timeless Design

How old do you think this house is? What do you think 2 years, 5 years, or even 10 years old. It looks fairly modern with the ground floor brick and the upper floor a contrasting material. those wide eves…
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