Is Grey Water Re-Use Worthwhile?

What is Grey Water? Grey Water includes all the waste water from the house with the exception of toilet waste. (Black Water) It can includes water from; Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Sink, Wash Basin, and Shower. A basic grey water reuse scheme…
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Window Shade Fail

I saw these north facing windows the other day. In spite of the architectural detailing this is a lesson on how to stuff up shading! Its less than an hour from Midday and already most of the window is out…
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Staging Your Old House

Presentation of your existing house, or staging as its now known, is important to make sure you get the most money for your new house. Probably the best look is a de-cluttered home. If you remove all the homely touches…
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Children’s Bedrooms
Some people want children’s bedrooms to be big! I’m not so sure! Reasons for Big Bedrooms Room to play, study, have sleepovers and for all their stuff. Room for adult children. Better for resale value. (Big for me is 9…
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Tin Shed

How about this new house? Can’t see it? . . . . . Well here is another view. Yes it really is covered in very 2nd hand tin! The house was designed by the architects Raffaello Rosselli …
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Retaining Walls – Gabbions

Gabbions are big wire baskets filled with rocks. The baskets are typically available for retaining wall use in 1m x 1m x 2m units. and you arrange the rock fill yourself. Gabbion walls can be described as a Permeable, Steel…
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Love the Display Home
BUT CAN YOU AFFORD IT? When you visit a Builders Display home you will probably be given a price list which quotes the Basic Price for the house you are looking at. Don’t be fooled!……… The feature you see in…
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LV Garbage Bin

Are you the sort of person who goes for ‘Designer’ Bags? Well perhaps its time to get out the spray can and make yourself a Louis Vuitton Wheelie Bin like this one! I saw this on a website called Little…
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Condensation, a minor inconvenience, or a major problem? A little condensation on windows is easily dealt with, . . . . . . but heavy condensation in poorly ventilated corners can lead to mould damaging your walls, ceilings, or even…
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Openings in Timber Frame

Openings in a Timber Frame Wall Panel usually mean that the Bracing Straps of the Basic Frame can’t be installed. The following diagram shows typical panel details. Bracing Panels The bracing panels replace the bracing straps to keep the frame square and…
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