Getting it Right
Placing Fill

Of so you want to place some fill. . . .perhaps behind a retaining wall to level a garden . . . So what do you need to understand? Here are some things to consider. Final Volume – Loose Volume Most people…
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Fixing Stage Inspections

This is the time when all plasterboard lining (or internal cladding) architraves, skirtings, doors, built in shelves, baths, basins, troughs, sinks, cabinets and cupboards of a home are fitted and fixed in position. The waterproofing of all wet areas will also…
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Avoiding Splitting Responsibility
I often come across people who want to exclude certain items of the work from a house building contract to save money. They may want to do the work themselves, use their own tradie (relative or friend) or use a different…
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How Many Construction Inspections?
Well I do my own inspections, so for my houses they have been at least once week. . . . . but if you are paying $4-500 an inspection for a professional you might want to consider the options below!…
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Virtual Build?

I recently saw an advert for ‘MyPlace’ a ‘Virtual Build Information System’ by Burbank. What Is A Virtual Build Information System? MyPlace is a virtual construction site which provides a visual aid in the progress of your home’s construction. It…
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Builders Excuses
Lets face it, building isn’t always easy. Each house has its own problems and the builders have to deal with the weather. Things do go wrong . . . so the measure of a good builder is how they resolve…
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Overhanging Brickwork

Unfortunately brickwork overhanging the slab like this is more common than it should be. . . . but it’s often not the brickie’s fault. How it Happens Normally the problem is that the slab has been constructed smaller than the…
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Using Your Own Building Inspector

I frequently hear of people being told by their Builder “You can’t use your own Building Inspector!” If your builder says that, he is trying to Con You! ……or Breaking The Law! Here is an explanation based on my last…
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House in “The Cloud” ?

It looks like it’s a house that Apple’s Steve Jobs might have owned. No Surprise that this Melbourne House is known the Cloud House. Certainly stunning from this view, but you would never know it from the street, as it’s…
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Building Certification Inspections
All house builds have to be inspected to check on their compliance with the Building Code of Australia. These Certification Inspections used to be carried out by the Local Council. Nowadays there is no requirement for a builder to use…
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